DatabaseException(error code 8: attempt to write a readonly database)
prabavgts opened this issue · 8 comments
DatabaseException(error code 8: attempt to write a readonly database) sql 'INSERT INTO table name ?
_database = await openDatabase(_databaseName,
password: _databaseName,
readOnly: false,
version: 1, // TODO: Change the version method dynamically
onConfigure: onConfigure,
onCreate: onCreate,
onOpen: onOpen,
onUpgrade: onUpgrade
Already read only database is false. but why this error?
What's the value of _databaseName?
It's possible that the colon (:) is not valid as a file path. Have you tried using something like "myDatabase.db" for the first argument?
I am not using the colon.I am just show for an example
the name of db is praba.db
Could you share the rest of the code?
Works well now..I don't know what the problem is
@PrabavathiKalidoss Without a reproducible sample I wouldn't be able to help you. Could you try creating a repo with a demo that produces the same error?