
Extract commitment, spending, and financial-flow data from IATI for the international COVID-19 response.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

COVID-19 IATI data

Extract commitment and spending data from IATI.


You can run the whole process by simply invoking

$ make all

or, if you prefer, execute the steps individually as shown below.

Create and activate a Python3 virtual environment

$ make create-venv


$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Download IATI data

(venv)$ make download-iata


(venv)$ rm -rf iati-downloads
(venv)$ mkdir iati-downloads
(venv)$ python3 download-iata.py docs/data

Generate output

$ make generate-output


(venv)$ mkdir -p docs/data
(venv)$ python3 generate-data.py docs/data iati-downloads/*.xml


After running (which will take a few minutes), the docs/data/ directory will contain the following JSON files:

transactions.json - a list of transactions in row-oriented JSON transactions.csv - a list of transactions in CSV format


The transactions are split by recipient country and sector, and all values are converted to USD. For example, if a transaction or activity has 3 recipient countries and three sectors, it will result in 9 rows in the transactions table. The table has the following columns:

Name HXL hashtag Type Description
Month #date+month string Transaction month in YYYY-MM format
Reporting org #org+name string A normalised name for the reporting organisatio
Reporting org type #org+type string (Not used in the viz.) The organisation type, from https://iatistandard.org/en/iati-standard/203/codelists/organisationtype/
Sector #sector string An OECD-DAC sector grouping (higher-level than the purpose codes)
Country #country string The recipient country name
Humanitarian #indicator+bool+humanitarian integer 1 if the transaction is humanitarian, 0 otherwise
Strict #indicator+bool+strict integer 1 if the transaction strictly meets the IATI COVID-19 guidance, 0 if it is only a loose match
Transaction type #x_transaction_type string "commitments" or "spending"
Activity id #activity+code string The IATI identifier for the transactions activity
Net money #value+net integer New money in the commitment or spending, after deduplication, in USD.
Total money #value+total integer Total money in the commitment or spending, without deduplication, in USD.

Transactions example

#date+month #org+name #org+type #sector #country #indicator+bool+humanitarian #indicator+bool+strict #x_transaction_type #activity+code #value+net #value+total
2020-01 AECID Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation 10 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0 1 commitments ES-DIR3-EA0035768-Z02-20-P1-00900 36599 36599
2020-01 AECID Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation 10 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0 1 commitments ES-DIR3-EA0035768-Z02-20-P1-00900 48799 48799


This software is released into the Public Domain, and comes with NO WARRANTY. See Unlicense.md for details.