Frontend web site for connecting IATI and local 3W activities

Note: This code is in an alpha state, and should not yet be used for any purpose but evaluation of the prototype itself.

This repository contains the code for a prototype website that combines activity data from the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and UN OCHA's Who? What? Where? (3W) data for Somalia with the goal of connecting the work of local and national aid actors with the funding and programming of international and regional aid actors, and increasing the international visibility of those local and national actors.

The prototype is being implemented by Development Initiatives on behalf of the Grand Bargain Transparency Workstream.

This repository is paired with iati3w-data, which handles the backend data preparation.


This web site will render entirely on in the browser. It depends on prepared data stored in JSON format at and will load and render that data as needed.

The file docs/script.js is the top-level Javascript module for rendering pages. Most HTML pages inside docs/ contain a Nunjucks template inside an HTML script element, and them make a call out to a rendering function from docs/script.js to use the template to render content on the page. For example, a (simplified) template might look like this:

<script id="template.demo" type="template">
    {% for name in names %}
    <li>Name: {{ name }}</li
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

And the call to render the template might look like this:

<script type="module" defer="defer">
  import { render_demo } from "./script.js";

The rendered content will replace the HTML element with the identifier "content", and the rest of the HTML page will stay the same:

  <section id="content">
    <p class="loading">Loading…</p>

All paths in links are relative, so that you can run this when it's not at the root of a web site (useful for development).


David Megginson wrote the initial prototype, with support from Mark Brough and the team at Development Initiatives. Special thanks to the individuals and organisations in the humanitarian community who have provided information, made suggests, and given feedback, and special thanks to the many organisations who publish their activities in IATI and/or via the monthly 3W report that OCHA Somalia publishes.

And finally, thanks to GitHub for providing free hosting.