
Setting count makes hue turn red

NightMachinery opened this issue · 2 comments

Update: I have run several tests. Setting count is the cause of this bug.

I used this shell function for testing:

random-color-f () {
    node -e "var randomColor = require('randomcolor'); // import the script
var color = randomColor({count: 1}); // a hex code for an attractive color
console.log(JSON.stringify(color))" | jq -re '.[]'

Old report where I thought setting hue to random is the problem:

Here is a recording (In which I use the CLI of #126):
Here are screenshots of the gist of the video:


I have tested this multiple times, it always uses red. Possibly related to #114.

i will fix this bug!

i fixed the bug with the later pr that i have for another issue!