
Missing detection dataset

Huy0812 opened this issue · 6 comments

Dear author. The object detector missing some important files for training in train_config.yaml. Can you provide those files ! Thanks
${oc.env:DATA_ROOT}/vg/annotations/train_ann_lmdb ${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/train_objects.json ${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/attribute2ind.json ${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/oid2attr.json

Thanks for interest. I'm sorry for the late response.

In fact, the configuration files are for training object detection.
Do you still need them?

Thanks for respond
Yes, I need it. I training object detection with new backbone

Here you go. Please download them quickly as I may not maintain it on GG drive.

Thanks for help !!!
Can you provide
${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/test_objects.json ${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/test_coco.pkl ${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/val_objects.json ${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/vg/annotations/val_coco.pkl

Sorry for not mentioning it soon. Thanks

Thanks for help !!!
I downloaded it but I have another question. I open a new issue can you check it out. Thanks