

Opened this issue ยท 8 comments

I am using this library around 5 years now. But, from last 1 week users reporting below issue

'An error occurred while initializing YouTube player'

However, when I debug the application I am getting below error where target id keeps changing. Kindly help.

{"error": "CLIENT_LIBRARY_UPDATE_REQUIRED", "target": 4377}

Same issue

I have the same problem, I presume it's some youtube update.

Please update here if you get any solution for this issue.

This library have more than one year that not receive an update so i resolved this issue using another dependency https://lonelycpp.github.io/react-native-youtube-iframe/ version 2.2.1 works perfectly. hope this help someone...

@GaboMendez how is it working for you? That project seems relatively old as well.

For me it works correctly, I just migrated my project to react-native-youtube-iframe, it's quite intuitive.

same issue with my app

The native android player API has been fully deprecated by google. source

Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 6 54 19 PM