Ebay Category Issue
Closed this issue · 2 comments
BillDavid07 commented
Hi, I have question regarding the ebay categories. can i get a specific categories from ebay by using products categories came from amazon and attach to add item function in ebay?
I just want to post products to ebay using the products from amazon and my issue is i cant get specific categories by using the product categories from amazon.
Thanks & Regards.
davidtsadler commented
Are you wanting to automatically convert an Amazon category ID to an eBay category ID? If so then you won't be able to do it via the API.
You may be able to instead use GetSuggestedCategories You could pass the title of the Amazon product and let eBay suggest which categories on eBay to use.
BillDavid07 commented
Ohh. i see. thanks david. will try it. :)