Captain Morgans Relationships


  1. Navigate to the swift_captain_morgans_relationships_lab.xcdatamodeld.
  2. Create three entities with attributes and relationships: Pirate, Ship, Engine. * Pirates have many ships, and a name. * Ships have one Pirate, one Engine, and a name. * Engines have an String attribute describing its propulsion type (i.e. sail, gas, or electric) and one ship.
  3. In your dataStore, write the implementation for generateTestData and fetchData.
  4. Make sure everything shows up!


  1. Add two plus UIBarButtonItems. One on PiratesViewController and one on ShipsViewController. When you click the plus it should modally present a new view controller that allows the user to add a either new pirate, or a new ship (which needs an engine and should be associated with a pirate!) to the database.

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