
C2ChipStyle selectedStyle and hoveredStyle

slavap opened this issue · 2 comments

With upgrading to version 3 I cannot figure out how to make hoveredStyle dynamic - I need to have different hovered color depending on which item I'm hovering on - one color for selected and another for non-selected chips.

Was a bit difficult to figure out this, should be documented better, but here is how you can apply colors to selected, unselected, hovered states for the chip.

  wrapped: true,
  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
  alignment: WrapAlignment.center,
  value: ["Milk"],
  onChanged: (allergens) {
    print("Handle this");
  choiceCheckmark: true,
  choiceStyle: C2ChipStyle.filled(
    // When selected
    selectedStyle: C2ChipStyle(
      checkmarkColor: Colors.white,
      backgroundColor: Colors.red.shade900, // Background color
      foregroundColor: Colors.white, // Text color
    // When hovered
    hoveredStyle:  C2ChipStyle(
      checkmarkColor: Colors.white,
      backgroundColor: Colors.green.shade900, // Background color
      foregroundColor: Colors.white, // Text color
    // When Not selected
    checkmarkColor: Colors.white,
    color: Colors.grey.shade200, // Background
    foregroundColor: Colors.black, // Text color
  choiceItems: C2Choice.listFrom(
    source: ["Egg", "Milk", "Flour"],
    value: (i, v) => v,
    label: (i, v) => v,

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry to announce that I'm no longer maintaining the chips_choice package. It's been a great project, but it's become too difficult to maintain.

In its place, I've released a new package called choice. The combination to smart_select and chips_choice with cleaner, more flexible, and composable API for creating inline or prompted choice widgets with single or multiple selection.

I hope you'll check out choice. I think you'll find it to be a great replacement for chips_choice.

Thanks for your understanding.