
[Query] how do i disable animations ?

iulian0512 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, since the "ios jank" (flutter/flutter#76180) is not fixed yet is there any option to disable the animations ? i am experimenting a 1-1.5 second lag when the buttons animate on iphone 7 with ios 14.3. Any help on how to reduce the impact of this issue will be appreciated, thanks.

I released https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_awesome_select with fixed null safety.
Could you check that everything works for you?

Hi everyone,

I'm really sorry for not maintaining the smart_select package in a long time. It's been a great project, but it's become too difficult for me to maintain, especially since I've been going through a tough time for the past few years.

In its place, I've released a new package called choice. The combination to smart_select and chips_choice with cleaner, more flexible, and composable API for creating inline or prompted choice widgets with single or multiple selection.

I hope you'll check out choice. I think you'll find it to be a great replacement for smart_select.

Thanks for your understanding.