
connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Middleware that validates JsonWebTokens and set req.user.

This module lets you authenticate HTTP requests using JWT tokens, in your Node.js applications. JWT tokens are typically used protect API endpoints, and are often issued using OpenID Connect.


$ npm install express-jwt


The JWT authentication middleware authenticates callers using a JWT token. If the token is valid, req.user will be set with the JSON object decoded to be used by later middleware for authorization and access control.

For example,

var jwt = require('express-jwt');

  jwt({secret: 'shhhhhhared-secret'}),
  function(req, res) {
    if (!req.user.admin) return res.send(401);

You can specify audience and/or issuer as well:

jwt({ secret: 'shhhhhhared-secret',
  audience: 'http://myapi/protected',
  issuer: 'http://issuer' })

If the JWT has an expiration (exp), it will be checked.

Optionally you can make some paths unprotected as follows:

app.use(jwt({ secret: 'shhhhhhared-secret'}).unless({path: ['/token']}));

This is especially useful when applying to multiple routes.

This module also support tokens signed with public/private key pairs. Instead of a secret, you can specify a Buffer with the public key

var publicKey = fs.readFileSync('/pat/to/public.pub');
jwt({ secret: publicKey });

Error handling

The default behavior is to throw an error when the token is invalid, so you can add your custom logic to manage unauthorized access as follows:

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  if (err.name === 'UnauthorizedError') { 
    res.send(401, 'invalid token...');

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$ npm install
$ npm test



The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2013 Auth0 <http://auth0.com>