
cannot click on selected items to jump to the beginning of the selected section

zuzizicke opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi developers! I'm new here and just test this script in my new project. Great work, had to look around a long time to find one like this!
There is one issue that I would like to be solved: You can't click on a selected item. But that will often make sense, if the content is in viewport, but not at its beginning. So making a selected item clickable would be the 100% of the script :)
Pleased about answers!

I'm facing this issue too.
It's more prominent when there is a combination of hash links and external links. When I click on a hash link it scrolls down to the correct section, however when I scroll up the link still appears as the current item and becomes unclickable. Even though I'm at top of the page and the section of this current link is at the bottom the link still appears as current.