- 2
Kostal Plenticore before Victron
#12 opened by mapchen - 5
Working with Venus OS 3.0x ?
#10 opened by mettibuh - 2
Consumption in VRM Portal to high
#8 opened by darvader - 2
Error Python
#7 opened by ZimKev - 2
Faster communication with Plenticore
#6 opened by pforrmi - 5
Script crashes sometimes
#2 opened by dominikn987505 - 2
Getting wrong values from plenticore
#5 opened by pforrmi - 2
Error pip3 install pycryptodomex
#4 opened by pforrmi - 3
pip3 install pycryptodomex ERROR
#1 opened by markusvanlaak - 1
Download instructions in Install plugin section should include the -r option of scp
#3 opened by original-spaceman