Opened this issue · 1 comments
davygoat commented
MEDIT is already on disk, in account 17.
To bring it up:
- Sysgen an extra global variable for MTM (SGN.@glo). MEDIT defaults to G16. A lower-numbered variable could be used, but that would conflict with EOU. So an extra variable it is.
- Run MHLOC.CSS to build the CSS files and terminal definitions.
- Modify MEDIT.CSS to use renamed config files xxxxxxxx.ME instead of CONFxxxx (because xterm is more than four characters, which would not work with CONF as a prefix).
- Create a replacement TERM.CSS to set the terminal type or default to xterm.
- Add two config files: XTERM.ME and EASY.ME. The first has termcap definitions for xterm, the second adds cursor key bindings for ordinary users. Also consider doing rxvt.
davygoat commented
It sort of works. Files with indentation (e.g. wild.c) and deleting characters behave somewhat erratic. I'm leaving this one open in the hope that someone with more termcap/terminfo experience might help to tweak the config files. I suspect it has something to do with 'padding'.