
Make my life on Angellist a little bit easier (WIP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Devil's Lists

AngelList Auto Applier Chrome Extension


Make sure you have Chrome Developer Enabled
Click 'Load Unpacked Extension' and navigate to the folder


This extension will add a button to the top of your job search query Clicking it will fire off a script that will iterate through all the jobs currently on the page, and apply to it. (optionally) It will also send a message to the poster, with a predefine blurb detailing why you would be good at the job. As an added feature, the script will read the tags of the posting, and compare it to a predefined list in the script of skills you possess. It will then find the intersection of the two lists, and return a series of matched skills, further 'personalizing' the letter.

function makeSentence(array) {
  let string = "";
  array.forEach((word, index) => {
    if (index !== array.length - 1) {
      string = string.concat(word + ", ");
    } else {
      string = string.concat("and " + word);
  return string;

function commonValues(arr1, arr2) {
  return arr1.filter(function(value) {
    return arr2.indexOf(value) > -1;

let mySkills = [
  /* Your Skills Go Here */

const createMessage = (founder, title, company, jobTags) => {
  let skills =
    makeSentence(commonValues(jobTags, mySkills))
    return (
      /* Message goes here. You may interpolate any of the variables provided above*?


MIT © Wadah Adlan