
limited entities to max 5 sensors

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I try to add about 8 different sensors. I only can see in HA five of them. The rest is not reporting!
Even if i remove some and add different type of sensor. I can only see five of them in HA.
HASwitch MQTT_activate("ESP_heater_activ");
HANumber MQTT_hysterrese("ESP_heater_hysterrese");
HANumber MQTT_maxdays("ESP_heater_maxdays");
HANumber MQTT_defaulttemp("ESP_heater_defaulttemp");
HANumber MQTT_hightemp("ESP_heater_hightemp");
HANumber MQTT_solltemp("ESP_heater_solltemp");
HABinarySensor MQTT_status("ESP_heater_on");
HASensor MQTT_isttemp("ESP_heater_temp");
I check this with the MQTT Explorer and there I can see for "homeassistant" just this five topics, even if the device under it's device_id has all eight sensors.
What can be the problem that not all sensor ceate a HA config topic?