Builds an image ot run LIGGGHTS in a Docker container.
VTK has to be compiled on the host without X support. The VTK library is used to compile the LIGGGHTS source in the image. To compile VTK, a C++ compiler, cmake and the development tools for MPI are required on the host system. See the VTK build instructions for details.
Make and docker will do the rest (download and compile VTK and assemble the docker image):
make liggghts-jammy
Alternatively, pull the image from Dockerhub:
docker pull daviddeklerk/liggghts:latest
Run the Docker image using:
docker run -i -v /path/to/input.script:/home/liggghts/sim -t daviddeklerk/liggghts:latest
In the prompt, navigate to your simulation script and run liggghts:
cd sim
liggghts -in input.script