
pinchStart event does not trigger

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So I updated Gesto to the latest version a few days ago and only now noticed that pinching does not seem to work anymore.

I tried all Gesto versions between the latest version and the version I used previously and came to the conclusion that the issue was introduced with version 1.17.2 (1.17.1 works fine). The pinchStart event is just not emitted at all.

My setup looks like this.

// this is my actual setup:
// const gesto = new Gesto(myCanvas, { container: window, pinchOutside: true, pinchThreshold: Infinity, keepDragging: true });

// I could also reproduce with just the container option
const gesto = new Gesto(myCanvas, { container: window });

gesto.on('pinchStart', e => console.log('pinchStart')); // this does not trigger

gesto.on('dragStart', e => console.log('dragStart')); // this triggers

Unfortunately, I don't really have the time to create a minimal reproducible example atm. I will just use 1.17.1 for now. I thought I would report the problem anyway, as 1.17.2 didn't contain many changes, so you might have an idea what the problem is.