Make multiple tile layers transparent. (Leaflet v1.x.x)
- 1
Two vars defined as const
#28 opened by MtnBiker - 1
Getting a compile error with Rails Stimulus
#27 opened by MtnBiker - 3
- 2
possibility to remove OpacityControl
#24 opened by YassineBouzeya - 0
#23 opened by dayjournal - 3
Slider issues with Safari
#19 opened by Kernonen - 6
- 1
Dash component
#17 opened by brookmay - 7
- 1
Default opacity
#14 opened by etieng - 1
Getting opacity value change event
#11 opened by narsireddypanta - 3
drag and drop
#10 opened by webmap2015 - 3
mobile bug
#7 opened by Lepizh - 1
- 2
- 1
- 4
Set opacity for layers individually
#1 opened by abrobia