A few JCM Morphs lost during transfer to UE
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Reviewing the UE JCM Control Rig created by the DazToUnreal transfer I noted a few JCM’s were highlighted as missing.
Checking the associated Skeletal Mesh confirmed that in fact the JCM morphs did not exist.
Working backwards confirmed that the JCM morphs in question were present in the intermediate .dtu and .fbx files, as well as being present in the Morph Export list on the DAZ side. Lost in translation?
The details:
DazToUnreal Bridge 2023 v1.0.52
UE 5.2.1
In DazStudio, create a new scene, add a Genesis8 character.
Invoke SendToUnreal, Choose Morphs, Add JCMs: Arms, Enable Auto JCM
Note these JCM morphs are listed for export:
Accept and Transfer to Unreal
Switch to Unreal Editor
Open Skeletal Mesh editor and JCM Control Rig editor, note these JCM morphs are missing in action.
Attempting the same process with a Genesis9 character, indicates a similar problem for morphs:
Any thoughts?
I am still looking into this -- I can confirm that the morph/blendshape entries exist in DS/FBX/DTU, but I do not see actual morph delta information. I beleive Unreal will remove empty blendshapes if no actual vertex delta information exists, please let me know if there are any specific JCMs that are being reported missing with actual vertex delta information from Daz Studio.
UPDATE: bug identified, will put this on the to-do list.
Thanks for tracking down the issue! Looking at the dsf files on the DAZ side, these morphs definitely do have vertex deltas.