This README is a quick overview of the XE2 project and the repository. Description: XE2 is a reusable cross-platform roguelike game engine written in Common Lisp. Requirements: Common Lisp (SBCL recommended) LISPBUILDER-SDL SDL for game development only: GNU Emacs Status: Pre-alpha, about 85% ported to CL. Files overview: README This file. COPYING GNU General Public License text. CREDITS People I would like to thank. INSTALL Installation instructions. pak.el GNU Emacs support for editing PAK files. console.lisp Fundamental operations and SDL details. cells.lisp Core roguelike game objects and rules. API Documentation for writing XE2 modules worlds.lisp Active playable 2.5-D maps full of objects. browser.lisp General purpose object interactor widget. math.lisp Math support for geometry, terrain, lighting, etc. path.lisp A-star pathfinding support. rgb.lisp Standard X11 color data. xe2.asd System definition. xe2.lisp Package definition. standard/ Standard resources common to all XE2 games. vm0/ Example game module entitled "Void Mission Zero" vm0/MEDIA-COPYING Licensing information for the images and sounds for the game widgets.lisp Common GUI code and basic widgets (prompt, formatter) Org-mode TODO list