
Show Inputs & Outputs

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Formally getting this up here.

Each DSP section on Helix presets has inputs/outputs. Load these into whats shown for intended routing. These blocks don't have an @position parameter so I believe it's oustide of the scope of #15


        "outputB" : {
          "@model" : "HD2_AppDSPFlowOutput",
          "@output" : 1,
          "pan" : 0.5,
          "gain" : 0
        "inputA" : {
          "@input" : 0,
          "@model" : "HD2_AppDSPFlow1Input",
          "noiseGate" : false,
          "decay" : 0.5,
          "threshold" : -48

I'm displaying these now but still need to decode them a little further. It appears that if an input/output is not being used, it is set to 0 - I'm pretty sure that input A/B and Output A/B are always tied to the corresponding path so I've output them that way for now...