Closed this issue · 4 comments
This is really neat.
Launched like a charm on macOS once this, in osx/Makefile:
SDL_CFLAG := $(shell sdl2-config --cflags)
was replaced by that:
SDL_CFLAG := $(shell sdl2-config --cflags | sed 's/\/SDL2//')
This rectifies build issues I encountered using libsdl from MacPorts as well.
Perhaps it would be better submitted as a Pull Request so that it can be merged?
#10 seems as if it is probably related as well, though I do not use homebrew, so I cannot comment whether the above recommendation is copasetic for all macOS port managers, it seems plausible.
@dbanay seems AWOL. Not sure it's worth it. A fork, perhaps? Or -- my favourite option nowadays -- let's wait and see and either move on, some day, or be delighted at an earlier point. :)
And for the record, a neat project this is, come what may.
This is great. Can you submit a pull request? Thanks