
A fuller featured testem module for Mimosa

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a Mimosa module that integrates testem + mocha into your RequireJS-enabled Mimosa application.

Client JavaScript testing requires a good deal of configuration to set up, as well as plenty of research and trial and error before you can start writing tests. The goal of this module is to keep the amount of configuration you need to create to a minimum. Out of the box it requires no configuration. The module writes its own configuration derived from your project. Include the module and start writing tests!

This module incorporates Sinon, Chai, Mocha, Testem and PhantomJS.

For more information regarding Mimosa, see http://mimosa.io

Note: To use mimosa-testem-require with mimosa v1.0.0-rc.3, you need mimosa-testem-require v0.6.5

Docs, bah, show me some code!

Check out the MimosaTestem demo app to see this module in action.


  • npm install -g phantomjs (If you are on Windows, this will not install phantomjs properly. You will need to download phantomjs from the site and add the executable to your PATH)
  • Add 'testem-require' to your list of modules. Mimosa will install the module for you when you start up.
  • Write tests! By default testem-require considers any file compiled/copied to watch.compiledDir that ends with -spec.js, _spec.js, -test.js or _test.js a test. Code your specs in watch.sourceDir and you can code it in CoffeeScript, LiveScript, whatever. Mimosa will treat it like any other piece of CoffeeScript.


testem-require will create a series of assets it needs for testing in .mimosa/testemRequire at the root of your project. That includes runner.html, mocha.js, mocha.css, chai.js, sinon.js, sinon-chai.js, and a copy of require.js. It also includes a file for kicking off tests, and a file declaring your test files and requirejs config that is dynamically generated based on your code.

testem-require also generates a testem.json config file for configuring the test running. By default that testem is configured to run all your mocha tests in a PhantomJS headless browser.

When mimosa starts up, testem-require will write all the assets and execute your tests. It will then execute those tests every time a JavaScript file changes. If all the tests pass, a message will say as much on the console and you will not be notified any other way. If tests fail, the console will have the details of the test failure and a Growl message will get sent letting you know a test has broken.


mimosa testscript

The testscript command will drop a platform appropriate script in the root of your project that you can use to execute your testem tests directly. If you are writing tests or doing heavy test debugging, you will want to interact with testem directly and the script lets you do that. You will want to run this in conjunction with mimosa running, so that you tests get compiled/copied to the correct location and the configuration gets updated. Another Mimosa user found that you can run the script and Mimosa with one command, so you might want to try that out. You can also run quick mimosa builds if you don't want to run Mimosa in unison with the test script.

The script will be named test.[bat/sh]. The script takes a single option of ci. When ci is passed in, testem will run in ci mode.

mimosa testscript
test.sh ci

Default Config

testemRequire: {
  executeDuringBuild: true,
  executeDuringWatch: true,
  safeAssets: [],
  specConvention: /[_-](spec|test)\.js$/,
  testemConfig: {
    "launch_in_dev": ["Firefox", "Chrome"],
    "launch_in_ci": ["PhantomJS"]
  mochaSetup: {
    ui: 'bdd'
  requireConfig: null

testemSimple: {
  configFile: testemRequire.assetFolder + "testem.json",
  port: null,
  watch: [],
  • executeDuringBuild: Determines whether mimosa will automatically execute the tests during build.
  • executeDuringWatch: Determines whether mimosa will automatically execute the tests during watch as files are changed.
  • safeAssets: You may choose to alter the assets that Mimosa writes, for instance to use your own version of mocha. Mimosa by default will overwrite the files in this folder. If you don't want your file overwritten, add the name of the file to this array. Just the name, no paths necessary.
  • specConvention: This is the regex testem-require uses to identify your tests. It'll run this regex against every compiled file to determine if it is indeed a test and if it is, testem-require will include it in the list of tests to be run.
  • assetFolder: This is the folder testem-require places its assets.
  • testemConfig: This is testem's configuration. testem-require uses this default, which just defines the browsers to run the tests in, and then amplifies it with a few other computed properties
  • mochaSetup: This is a pass-through to the mocha.setup command.
  • requireConfig This is the configuration used by require.js in your tests. By default testem-require derives this from your project. To see what it derives, look at .mimosa/testemRequire/test-variables.js.
  • testemSimple: this module wraps the mimosa-testem-simple module. It overrides the testemSimple.configFile property to point at assetFolder + testem.json. The other testem-simple config can be updated/modified directly. See the config for testem-simple to see how you can use it via testem-require.