
AD/O365 sync: send reminder emails to users about imminent password expiry

Closed this issue · 11 comments

AD/O365 sync: send reminder emails to users about imminent password expiry

Email should include instructions how to reset password, plus link to self-service portal.

  • is there any email templates the department currently use
adonm commented

Also if you want to use consistent CSS in emails, we typically use foundation (also for web stuff) - see http://foundation.zurb.com/emails.html


any thoughts on my current implementation of the email.

👍 That's looking pretty nice. Will review and/or crib for my own purposes ;)

adonm commented

Also use this url for password reset - https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/ChangePassword.aspx

Other one is an old internal app, but people should be using Office 365 for passwrord change these days

alright, I will make that change

adonm commented

actually ask ash he can help you make that a shortcut like https://chpass.dpaw.wa.gov.au heh

okay, I will ask him :)

Implemented redirect in Wagtail: https://oim.dpaw.wa.gov.au/changepassword