
Add option to set the prompt format

Closed this issue · 1 comments

All the query input is left aligned to the end of the prompt.

My prompt over 40 characters wide, or about half the width of the terminal.


This wastes a lot of space and causes more ugly wrapping for long names.

I don't need to see the region and the database name on every query. A minimal prompt such as > is just fine.

Your cousin pgcli has a prompt option to control the format.

$ pgcli --help


  --prompt TEXT              Prompt format (Default: "\u@\h:\d> ").

Could you copy this feature from pgcli?

I just checked the help output inside the CLI and saw that the \R option does almost what I want. It sets the prompt to > but doesn't put a space after the arrow.

 \R > 

And I can use the --athenaclirc option to set the prompt exactly to > .

cat > /tmp/athenaclirc <<"EOF"
prompt = '> '

athenacli \
--athenaclirc /tmp/athenaclirc \

This is actually a good enough solution for me, so I'll close the issue. Thanks!