
Load time shared connections

Opened this issue · 5 comments

We offer CB with over 2000 preconfigured database connections. Therefore, the loading time of the user interface takes over 10 seconds after login. Is there a recommendation for the CB container/pod deployment in this scenario to achieve a faster CB loading time?

Btw. scaling up to 2 CB pods and 2 vCPU per pod has no effect.

king regards

Hello @MatthiasSchnoeke

Could you please provide more details about your use case?
2000 connections - it is a great number for any company! At least that's what we thought before.

Our Support and Developers need potential access to over 2000 customer and test databases. For this we configure a data-source.json and mount this file via pod volume to mountPath: /opt/cloudbeaver/workspace/GlobalConfiguration/.dbeaver/data-sources.json. I seams the loading of this file needs time.

What CloudBeaver version do you use?
We added some performance enhancements for data source loading.

Additionally, I can recommend our product for big teams: https://dbeaver.com/dbeaver-team-edition/. It will be faster with folders in different projects.

Product name
CloudBeaver CE Server
Product description
CloudBeaver CE Web UI Application
Backend version
Frontend version

Ok, thanks. We will investigate your case.