
It do not accept LL commands. and then happened EventLoopError.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I recently installed this plugin for debugging rust.
But it did not work.
here's my process:

LLsession new
LLmode debug( and process launch)
Then execute some LL commands ( LL r, LL c , etc...)

But some LL commands does'nt work. and I can't see any responses.
Furthermore, EventLoopError happened when LL commands are executed about 3 times to 4 times.

here's error message.

error caught in async handler 'exec ('continue',)'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/qwerty2501/.cache/dein/repos/github.com/critiqjo/lldb.nvim/rplugin/python/lldb_nvim/__init_
_.py", line 49, in _exec
  File "/home/qwerty2501/.cache/dein/repos/github.com/critiqjo/lldb.nvim/rplugin/python/lldb_nvim/control
ler.py", line 101, in safe_execute
    self.safe_call(self.exec_command, [cmd])
  File "/home/qwerty2501/.cache/dein/repos/github.com/critiqjo/lldb.nvim/rplugin/python/lldb_nvim/control
ler.py", line 94, in safe_call
    raise EventLoopError("Dead event loop!")
EventLoopError: Dead event loop!

My environments:
OS : Ubuntu 17.0.4

I don't maintain this project anymore. See #51 (comment)

OK. I understand.

I have the same Problem. Does anyone have a workaround?

Likely to be an upstream bug. Reopen the issue if @qwerty2501 can verify it not to be. (See this for details)