
How to run ldbc benchmark in multithreaded mode?

YangAo111 opened this issue · 1 comments

When I run ldbc_bench, my machine always has only one CPU running.
The function node_where( ) in the workload calls function parallel_node( ), and 'parallel_node( )' should be running in multi-threaded mode, which contradicts what I'm seeing, and this confuses me.

nodes_where() runs only one CPU thread except if the label string is empty. To run in multi-threaded mode, either use

  1. nodes_where() with the property predicate function but without the label, followed by has_label() with the label string, or
  2. all_nodes() with an empty label, followed by has_label() with the label string, followed by property() with the property predicate function.

The second option is better and more likely to run faster.