
Getting no results

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hey, I ran this against an objective-c code base, but no matter how many unused imports I add, I don't get any results. I turned on verbose, and it is scanning the files that have unused imports. This is an xcode 5.1.1 (ios7) project. Thoughts?

Can you post some output from the verbose run?

It outputs "Checking..." for every file in the path, e.g. "Checking Base.lproj/Main.storyboard ...". The file I edited was called "ConfirmationVC" - in the log, it lists "Checking Classes/ViewControllers/ConfirmationVC.m ..."

Here is the command-line I used: "fui -v --path=~/src/mobile/ios/"

I think you may be confusing what "unused imports" means. It's not that if you import "foo" and nothing from foo is referenced, it's the other way around. If the ConfirmationViewController class was never used (really just imported) in the project, that would be flagged. So it finds unused "classes" more than "imports", but that's some terminology we got from other projects.

Does this make sense?

ah, that makes total sense. sorry for the confusion!