
Analyze the up-to-dateness of the code in this repository

Closed this issue · 22 comments

This repo was updated last time during the GSoC 2021. So, some code is probably outdated. We need to understand is it really so and if yes, remove unnecessary parts from it.

This issue is related to: dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend#7

Definition of Done:

@Perevalov just to be clear, we're comparing https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng to https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend, https://github.com/UditArora2000/GSoC2022_Question_Answering, correct?

"This repo was updated last time during the GSoC 2021. So, some code is probably outdated. We need to understand is it really so and if yes, remove unnecessary parts from it." Could you clarify if here, you're talking about https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng?

@Perevalov just to be clear, we're comparing https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng to https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend, https://github.com/UditArora2000/GSoC2022_Question_Answering, correct?

"This repo was updated last time during the GSoC 2021. So, some code is probably outdated. We need to understand is it really so and if yes, remove unnecessary parts from it." Could you clarify if here, you're talking about https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng?

@muskan-k I mean whether the code in https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng is a subset of https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend or not. Or, for instance, whether a directory "RDF Visualizations" in https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng is the same as https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend/tree/main/rdf_visualization. So, I personally not sure about the contents. The task is to understand whether the code in https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng still unique or duplicated in other repos.

If it is outdated or duplicated in other repos, we need to update it. But keep in mind that https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng is for the frontend only.

FYI: Exemplary requests from Google Dialogflow are stored here. These files are used in Python tests stored here.
We cannot be sure if this is still up-to-date.

@muskan-k Any progress or questions regarding this ticket?

@muskan-k Any progress or questions regarding this ticket?

@Perevalov I have worked on this. I'll comment my findings in a day or so.

Hi @Perevalov ,

I just looked into the repositories.

The https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng (now referred to as chatbot-ng) repository is mostly a subset of https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend (now referred to as dbpedia-chatbot-backend) especially for the rdf_visualization directory.

For webhook, most of the files are written in python in dbpedia-chatbot-backend which is also present in chatbot-ng in Javascript and I see that the content/logic/functionalities are 90% similar, except that the dbpedia-chatbot-backend has lot more code structure and files (model.py model_test.py) which still maintains similar flow as in chatbot-ng.

The test-interactions in chatbot-ng are rather compiled into a single file and json requests are present in the requests folder in dbpedia-chatbot-backend repo.

As for the fulfilment, I think chatbot-ng has entities and intents in the "Dialogflow-Agent" directory whereas this is similar to the json files in the requests directory.

The other directories/files are ignorable (like readme files or zip files, Dockerfiles or Procfiles which have been updated/will be updated.)

Let me know your thoughts or any questions you have. From my observation, chatbot-ng looks like a subset of dbpedia-chatbot-backend except that some files written in JS are written in python in the latest repository.

@muskan-k Ok, I see. Now, knowing this, we need to clean up the chatbot-ng s.t. it only contains frontend parts. Let's discuss it tomorrow in detail

  • Remove RDF-Visualization from chatbot-ng
  • Create a new Google Dialogflow project and import the data from chatbot-ng

@Perevalov just wanted to recall what was discussed in the previous meeting - I need to import a only the Dialogflow-Agent directory from chatbot-ng and test it in a new project or remove the Webhook directory and test the resulting zip file? Could you please clarify.

@Perevalov any comment on the above question??

From today's discussion, to complete the fulfilment and use the webhook URL, SSL certif needs to be created for the server URL.

@muskan-k please, use this URL for Dialogflow: https://demos.swe.htwk-leipzig.de/dbpedia-chatbot-webhook. This is a reverse proxy to the actual URL

@Perevalov will this also work as reverse proxy for the other URL with port 40193?

I'm seeing 502 bad gateway on loading the URL : https://demos.swe.htwk-leipzig.de/dbpedia-chatbot-webhook
I've updated this URL in dialogflow fulfilment section. Am I going wrong somewhere?
Also, the previous endpoint which was deployed and working now says cannot connect to server. Specifically, does not work but works fine.

@Perevalov will this also work as reverse proxy for the other URL with port 40193?

No, if you need it for this, I can set it up. Let me know

I'm seeing 502 bad gateway on loading the URL : https://demos.swe.htwk-leipzig.de/dbpedia-chatbot-webhook I've updated this URL in dialogflow fulfilment section. Am I going wrong somewhere? Also, the previous endpoint which was deployed and working now says cannot connect to server. Specifically, does not work but works fine.

Again, if you load it from browser, it won't work as it sends HTTP GET request. The /webhook route is accepting HTTP POST requests https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-chatbot-backend/blob/dd29ee14b33c23a571b9384d7d98dbb3b3380506/Webhook/main.py#L15

@Perevalov 40193 is used for the RDF viz service. We've deployed both so I think we would need the reverse proxy for both right?

Also, https://demos.swe.htwk-leipzig.de/dbpedia-chatbot-webhook/health this is a GET request. This says 502 bad gateway too. I was also checking the previous URL, that fails to connect to the server. /health is GET request.

@Perevalov 40193 is used for the RDF viz service. We've deployed both so I think we would need the reverse proxy for both right?

Also, https://demos.swe.htwk-leipzig.de/dbpedia-chatbot-webhook/health this is a GET request. This says 502 bad gateway too. I was also checking the previous URL, that fails to connect to the server. /health is GET request.

There is the following routing: https://demos.swe.htwk-leipzig.de/dbpedia-chatbot-webhook -->

Nothing else was added, so if you need HTTPS for /health and other endpoints, let me know, it doesn't happen automatically

@Perevalov tested the new URL for webhook using POST request and the request json for "Show active components"


@muskan-k Could you paste here all the infos on how you test it? I will try to debug and fix it

@Perevalov Tested the webhook call using POST request, works fine. No issues.


@Perevalov Tested the webhook call using POST request, works fine. No issues.


Very good, that's very reliefing! I think we're done here.