
cannot see quickstart-preview page/collection

knbknb opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for providing detailed documentation, but I encountered some problems. This hapened although I am quite familiar with docker and docker-compose.

cannot see preview page

The README file says

In order to verify your setup more quickly you can use the following collection URI instead: http://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia/collections/virtuoso-sparql-endpoint-quickstart-preview.
Note that this collection is only a collection of RDF data to test drive the docker compose network and not a DBpedia release. After a short delay the resource http://localhost:8890/page/Berlin should be accessible.

I cannot reach Virtuoso-sparql-endpoint-quickstart-preview. What I see is:

This collection has been hidden by the* author.

more enhancements

Also the downlaod process really takes a long time- But you should say what types of files (.bz2 files) the container will be downloading, and what the filesnames will look like, and what the approximate total download size will be. A measure of "10 GB "is fine , 1 TB isn't for most users, since many of us are working from home during these days of the corona pandemic.

The sparql enddpoint will be unavailable for queries, as long as download and loading hasn't finished, right.

I would also like to see in the documentation, because this is information I consider essential to have an even faster quick-start.

  • a note that the downloader-container will download 10 GB which will expand to an addtional ~55 GB in a shared folder / docker volume
  • that the loader is best run over night because it will take 6 hours of loading and initial indexing (or whatever it does during first startup)
  • a link that during of after installation, Sysadmin web-interface http://localhost:8890/conductor/ will also be availble by default, and that the dba/password credentials can be used
  • A link to the openlinksw documentation with the table of suggested values for NumberOfBuffers for various amounts of RAM. ( see http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/VirtRDFPerformanceTuning)
  • A link to the resource usage by Virtuoso server process itself (see for example http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/VOSUbuntuNotes at bottom of page)
  • mentioning which Viruoso version is used in the container, my logfile says "OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server Version 07.20.3230-pthreads for Linux as of Feb 4 2020

Do you acccept pull requests for README File? I can add the information mentioned above.