
dbpedia VAD plugin can not be loaded (anymore)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

just did docker-compose up

quickstart-1  | [INFO] Setting 'dbp_category' registry entry to Category
quickstart-1  | Driver: 07.20.3229 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
quickstart-1  |
quickstart-1  | Done. -- 0 msec.
quickstart-1  |
quickstart-1  | [INFO] Installing VAD package 'dbpedia_dav.vad'
store-1       | 12:54:48 PL LOG: Errors were detected during installation of "unknown".
quickstart-1  | Driver: 07.20.3229 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
quickstart-1  | SQL_STATE     SQL_MESSAGE
quickstart-1  | LONG VARCHAR  VARCHAR
quickstart-1  | _______________________________________________________________________________
quickstart-1  |
quickstart-1  | 42VAD         Could not open filesystem resource /opt/virtuoso-opensource/vad/dbpedia_dav.vad Reason: File not found
quickstart-1  | 00000         Errors detected
quickstart-1  | 00000         Installation of "unknown" was unsuccessful.
quickstart-1  | 00000         ERROR
quickstart-1  | BLOB 0 chars
quickstart-1  |
quickstart-1  | 5 Rows. -- 1 msec.

did this ever work? I dont see a command copying/downloading that file
here is the plugin https://github.com/openlink/dbpedia-vad

@JJ-Author , any chance you found a work-around for this? I'm seeing the same thing: Could not open filesystem resource ... dbpedia_dav.vad Reason: File not found

did not look for any since I did not load dbpedia data but you could try to copy or mount this (unfortunately very old) version https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-vad-i18n/raw/master/dbpedia/dbpedia_dav.vad of the vad to the docker container in the path from the error log.
better would be to build the plugin from here and then copy it.