sudo and permissions
clach04 opened this issue · 4 comments
Most distros have an i2c user group that can be assigned to users removing the need for sudo. has a good guide for machines that do not have this setup already.
Is this worth covering in the documentation? If yes, I can knock something up and raise a PR.
BTW thanks for this project! There are a number of Python LCD modules, some do not handle i2c, and the others ONLY handle i2c. I love that this handles both (and it works on my hardware which is not a Raspberry Pi).
Is this worth covering in the documentation? If yes, I can knock something up and raise a PR.
As long as it's an approach that works on Raspbian (which 99% of the users will probably use), I think it would be a nice addition to the docs!
BTW thanks for this project! There are a number of Python LCD modules, some do not handle i2c, and the others ONLY handle i2c. I love that this handles both (and it works on my hardware which is not a Raspberry Pi).
Great to hear!
Is this worth covering in the documentation? If yes, I can knock something up and raise a PR.
As long as it's an approach that works on Raspbian (which 99% of the users will probably use), I think it would be a nice addition to the docs!
Yep, just checked. Raspbian creates permissions/groups out of the box :-)
[pi@raspberrypi:~] $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"
[pi@raspberrypi:~] $ grep i2c /etc/group