CDK Construct that syncs your sops secrets into AWS SecretsManager secrets.
- 2
- 1
- 6
Plaintext secrets
#1096 opened by MartinAltmayerTMH - 0
Improve Integration Tests
#1045 opened by markussiebert - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#7 opened by renovate - 2
Support for SecretBinary
#1043 opened by avpjanm - 3
Fehler Zeichencodierung von SOPS zu AWS SecretManager
#1092 opened by bjoernknofe - 0
move to go aws-sdk-v2
#1090 opened by markussiebert - 0
Improve usability for SSM:Parameters - remove public property ResourceType
#1076 opened by markussiebert - 1
make lambda role configurable
#1087 opened by MarkusMOtto - 0
- 0
Missing KMS Permissions from Version 1.13.0
#1059 opened by lenderom - 1
ClientRequestToken too short when using secret file from S3
#1052 opened by sturmm - 3
Move npm package to dbs organization
#913 opened by markussiebert - 0
Chore: publish library for all JSII target languages
#1001 opened by Obirah - 0
Support dotenv encrypted files
#1002 opened by mzakarian - 0
Problems using KMS key as alias
#977 opened by supaboy1999 - 1
Multiple secrets per file or 1 file per secret?
#935 opened by lvstb - 0
No retention for cloudwatch log groups
#945 opened by markussiebert - 0
Only the first kms:key is recognized and IAM permissions are granted - if a secret is encrypted with several keys, IAM permissions are missing
#847 opened by markussiebert - 13
go.mozilla.org/sops/v3-v3.7.3: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 7.5) - autoclosed
#204 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
Update go version to 1.21
#834 opened by markussiebert - 0
CleanupJob for PyPi required
#832 opened by markussiebert - 0
- 1
Add Implementation on IDependable
#829 opened by cweber-dbs - 0
Failed SecretUpdates - Improve Errorhandling - We should wrap the go error to get the real cause of failed errors
#657 opened by markussiebert - 1
- 3
github.com/mozilla/sops/v3-v3.7.2: 2 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 7.4) - autoclosed
#10 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
- 15
Custom::SopsSync hangs up without errors
#67 opened by alarecover