
Unit tests for `Project` class break due to hardcoded assertion on changing version value

QMalcolm opened this issue · 1 comments


  • I am a maintainer of dbt-core

Short description

We were seeing some breakages on dbt version change of the test test__str__. Specifically the value 'require-dbt-version': ['=1.8.0-b3'] in the assertion is causing issues. This is because in the project fixture we've created, we set the dbt-version to the actual current version, as seen here. Thus when the dbt version set here changes, the test breaks.

Acceptance criteria

dbt's version can change without breaking the test test__str__.

Suggested Tests

What we're working on here is tests

Impact to Other Teams


Will backports be required?



No response

Opened a new issue in dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com: dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com#5399