
[Flags] Rename behavior change flags + add consistent deprecation warnings

jtcohen6 opened this issue · 1 comments


  • I am a maintainer of dbt-core

Short description

Bring behavior change flags into compliance with proposed guidance

Internal Notion, will turn into README for this repo

Acceptance criteria

We’ve implemented three flags thus far. Here’s what we need to do to get ourselves into compliance with the current proposal:

  1. require_explicit_package_overrides_for_builtin_materializations
    • Backport flag + fix + deprecation warning to v1.6.x + v1.7.x
    • Flip default from False to True for v1.8.0rc1
  2. require_resource_names_without_spaces
    • Rename from current name (allow_spaces_in_model_names) so that it matches the naming guidance (always False → True)
    • Reimplement deprecation warning to use deprecations module, so that telemetry is consistent.
      • Right now this is just two separate events that happen to have Deprecation in their name.
      • This may require different messages for Warn versus Error, instead of one DynamicLevel message.
  3. source_freshness_run_project_hooks
    • Add a deprecation warning, which should be raised in cases where:
      • (a) someone is running the source freshness command
      • (b) they have at least one project hook (on-run-*) defined

Suggested Tests

Update existing tests that we added in:

Impact to Other Teams

No impact

Will backports be required?

No backports


No response

Opened a new issue in dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com: dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com#5420