Formatting issue with man page block
michaelRichards99 opened this issue · 2 comments
michaelRichards99 commented
Following this tutorial, and modifying the man page block to use indented paragraphs and noblanks results in incorrect indentation when the --help
format is plain
Here is the entire program that causes the issue.
open Cmdliner
let chorus count msg = for i = 1 to count do print_endline msg done
let count =
let doc = "Repeat the message $(docv) times." in
Arg.(value & opt int 10 & info ["c"; "count"] ~docv:"COUNT" ~doc)
let msg =
let env =
let doc = "Overrides the default message to print." in "CHORUS_MSG" ~doc
let doc = "The message to print." in
Arg.(value & pos 0 string "Revolt!" & info [] ~env ~docv:"MSG" ~doc)
let chorus_t = Term.(const chorus $ count $ msg)
let cmd =
let doc = "print a customizable message repeatedly" in
let man =
"description of the application.";
`P "notice:";
( "label 1",
"text 1" );
( "label 2",
"text 2" );
( "label 3",
"text 3" );
( "label 4",
"text 4" );
let info = "chorus" ~version:"%%VERSION%%" ~doc ~man in
Cmd.v info chorus_t
let main () = exit (Cmd.eval cmd)
let () = main ()
The output looks correct on all other formats.
The resulting incorrect output when --help=plain
is added is:
description of the application.
label 1
text 1 label 2
text 2 label 3
text 3 label 4
text 4