
Last console messages are missing before crash

Closed this issue · 1 comments

For debugging purposes I've written

@objc public func onPlayButtonTapped() { 
  logger.warning("`last message before crashing`")

so that I can log to the console and trigger a crash by tapping on a button.

Generally a crash report gets generated as expected:
Screen Shot 2021-05-13 at 3 47 25 PM

Also a screenshot is generated and I can see some of the console output.
However, the last messages, in this case "last message before crashing" is missing.

How can I ensure that the console output is always persisted before the app crash handling terminates?

Edit: I'm using the latest version 0.6.0

Hey @gamada-de , could you please write why you closed the ticket? Is this bug report invalid and if so why? I couldn't figure out a workaround or fix yet for this problem.