
(0.9.0) App is Crashing on App Store / Test Flight

pskow opened this issue · 2 comments

pskow commented

Version: 0.9.0 installed by cocoapods
App works fine in debug mode, but crashes app immediately on Test Flight/App Store without crash logs.
iOS 15.4.1
Xcode 13.3.1
OS X Monterey
I've experienced similar crashes when external dynamic library was not embedded into the target.

mmdock commented

set this up in cocoapods as pod "DBDebugToolkit", :configurations => ['Debug'] to ensure it only installs on debug builds. This will keep DBDebugToolkit out of production builds.

if you need this available for testers, i would recommend a Prerelease configuration, that goes to Testflight only and link testers to the testflight build for testing.

pskow commented

thank you for the reply.
This is exactly how my setup works - I have test environment on test flight and this is we’re it is crashing.
It’s been a while, i would need to verify if it’s still happening.