
0.9.0 Not working with Alamofire

lordzsolt opened this issue · 5 comments

Bumping from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 completely breaks all network requests that are done through Alamofire.

This is what I see in the console:

API MISUSE: NSURLSession delegate Alamofire.SessionDelegate: <Alamofire.SessionDelegate: 0x600000e609b0> (0x600000e609b0)
API MISUSE: dataTask:didReceiveResponse:completionHandler: completion handler not called

Feels like methods are not correctly swizzled anymore?

ez-nx commented

It is broken from version 0.7.1
Looks like a problem with swizzling

In 0.8.0 it works fine for me.

In 0.8.0 it works fine for me.

Can confirm: 0.8.0 seems to be working properly

I have face the same issue. In my project fetch some images but it do not display to UI