
must be used from main thread only

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        __block IMP originalInitWithCoderIMP = [self replaceMethodWithSelector:@selector(initWithCoder:)
                                                                         block:^UIView * (UIView *blockSelf, NSCoder *aDecoder) {
                                                                            UIView *res = ((UIView * (*)(id, SEL, NSCoder *))originalInitWithCoderIMP)(blockSelf, @selector(initWithCoder:), aDecoder);
                                                                            [res db_refreshDebugBorders];
                                                                            [res db_registerForNotifications];
                                                                            return res;

I got crash in this line:

UIView *res = ((UIView * (*)(id, SEL, NSCoder *))originalInitWithCoderIMP)(blockSelf, @selector(initWithCoder:), aDecoder);

-[UIView initWithCoder:] must be used from main thread only

I understand the gist of the error, but I don't call load directly