
Imported SBT project has no "Scala Packages: in Projects View, Source Path doesn't seem to be recognized.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am working through the ReactivePrograming class on Coursera.
The class comes with zip files with projects that can be compiled and tested with sbt.

The attached screenshot shows what happens after importing into netbeans.
Unlike a netbeans created project there is no "Scala Packages" in the tree for the projects view.
Worse yet the editor adds error underlines to everything unable to find symbols in the other files
in the source directory.

How do I tell netbeans to look for sources in the src/main/scala subdirectory?


I am updating and closing the same issue I just opened.

It looks like what I needed to do was add

addSbtPlugin("org.netbeans.nbsbt" % "nbsbt-plugin" % "1.1.4")

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-scalariform" % "1.3.0")

to project/plugins.sbt

delete the stuff in project/target/* and project/project/target/*

and run the netbeans target inside sbt.