
SBT console says: not a valid command: netbeans

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Even though I read the FAQ and deleted the project/target directory, my sbt console keeps saying:

> netbeans
[error] Not a valid command: netbeans
[error] Not a valid project ID: netbeans
[error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration)
[error] Not a valid key: netbeans (similar: test, tags, streams)
[error] netbeans
[error]         ^

I thought that maybe I had to install the remeniuk/sbt-netbeans-plugin by hand, but that one seems to be long abandoned and incompatible with current sbt/scala releases. In any case I cannot manage to build it.
(Using netbeans 8.2 and the most recent nbscala release)

Update Instead of remeniuk/sbt-netbeans-plugin I installed dcaoyuan/nbsbt (why didn't I find that before), and this seems to solve the problem. Suggest to mention this explicitly in the README.

@reinouts - nbsbt is already mentioned in the README - https://github.com/dcaoyuan/nbscala#how-to and https://github.com/dcaoyuan/nbsbt#nbsbt . If you think that the is a need for a better explanation on how to use the plugin in the IDE, please feel to submit a patch or pull request with the proper wording that explains it well.