
Validation Support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Dear @dcarbone

I'm really interested whether php-fhir-generated have validation support from API request?
If there are, please kindly share some snippet / guide doing that?


Have got it

    // Function FHIR Template Logic
    public function schemaValidation($fhirLoadedSchema)
        $errors = $fhirLoadedSchema->_getValidationErrors();


the $fhirLoadedSchema that passed to function schema Validation would be looking like this

use DCarbone\PHPFHIRGenerated\R4\FHIRResource\FHIRDomainResource\FHIREncounter;

    public function __construct(Request $request)
        $this->model = new Encounter;
        $this->FHIREncounter = new FHIREncounter($request->except('id'));