wrong merge
Closed this issue · 2 comments
kratess commented
Describe the bug
To Reproduce
const textAreaVariants = cva(
"block bg-white text-gray1 leading-1.25 border-gray4 placeholder-opacity-50 border rounded-5 outline-none",
variants: {
componentSize: {
lg: "text-16",
md: "text-14",
sm: "text-12"
defaultVariants: {
componentSize: "md"
const _twMerge = extendTailwindMerge({
extend: {
classGroups: {
"text-color": [
text: [
"font-size": [
text: [
"leading": [
text: ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.25", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5"]
results in this:
block bg-white text-gray1 border-gray4 placeholder-opacity-50 rounded-5 outline-none text-14 w-100 border-0
Expected behavior
block bg-white text-gray1 leading-1.25 border-gray4 placeholder-opacity-50 rounded-5 outline-none text-14 w-100 border-0
dcastil commented
Hey @kratess! 👋
The reason why the leading-1.25
class gets removed is because text-14
sets a line-height CSS property, overriding line-height classes if you place it afterwards. If you want to change this overriding behavior and don't use line-heights in your font-size classes, you can override the conflict between the font-size and line-height classes:
import { extendTailwindMerge } from 'tailwind-merge'
const twMerge = extendTailwindMerge({
override: {
conflictingClassGroups: {
// In the default config the value is ['leading']
// See https://github.com/dcastil/tailwind-merge/blob/v2.5.4/src/lib/default-config.ts#L1786
'font-size': []
// … rest of your config