
Doesn't respond to CTRL + C

Closed this issue · 3 comments

sbrl commented

It's highly likely that at some point I'm going to invoke tplot accidentally at some point. When this happens with any program, I usually mash CTRL + C as fast as possible. However, tplot doesn't respond to CTRL + C, and takes CTRL + D instead, which is the shortcut for closing the terminal. You can imagine how frustrating it can be closing my terminal window accidentally 😄

dcat commented

ISIG flag is removed in latest commit.

also, ^D for inserting EOF and in turn killing the terminal can be disabled in most shells by set -o ignoreeof.

sbrl commented

Thanks for fixing that!

I don't want to disable CTRL + D in my terminal because I'm lazy and it's a quick way to close a terminal :P

And the first sentence reads fine to me. Where did I go wrong?

dcat commented

I don't know, at some point it seems it got a little redundant at some point.

Anyway, thanks for the input.