
htppStatic in main.js

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I already have a project and I want to merge it with electron-node-red but the merger.js gives me an error, so I copied my flow to electronflow.
The problem is that I can't find where to put my static route configuration (from settings.js ) in main.js, the same with adminAuth, I hope you can help me

The equivalent of the settings file is in main.js from lines 139 - 179

Thanks, I am trying to compile the program but it gives me an error

sorry I don't use windows natively - it looks like it can't find the build tools. When I want windows I use the multi-platform builder docker container - https://www.electron.build/multi-platform-build.html and https://hub.docker.com/r/electronuserland/builder

If you don't need things that have binary component like serialport then maybe you can remove them from the package.json

Hi, I already solved the error and the executable works, something like that, now when I run the application, the thing that comes out is Cannot GET /red, what I can do? when I do yarn start everything works fine

If you are changing things like the httpRoot and so on then you will need to go through main.js to make sure things like urledit etc (around line 18) are set correctly. As they define what pages get opened at start time.