
Video embed support

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I noticed the library doesn't support video embed. I overcome this limitation by using the following formatter

import (

	quill_html "github.com/dchenk/go-render-quill"

func customFormats(keyword string, op *quill_html.Op) quill_html.Formatter {
	if keyword == "video" {
		return &VideoFormatter{link: op.Data}

	return nil

type VideoFormatter struct {
	link string

func (v *VideoFormatter) Fmt() *quill_html.Format {
	return nil

func (v *VideoFormatter) HasFormat(op *quill_html.Op) bool {
	return op.Type == "video"

func (v *VideoFormatter) Write(buf io.Writer) {
	fmt.Fprintf(buf, `<iframe class="video" src=%s></iframe>`, strconv.Quote(v.link))

I use html, err := quill_html.RenderExtended([]byte(content), customFormats)to render the video link inside an iframe. worked with youtube.

I couldn't edit the wiki so I thought it'll be useful to document it in the issues here.