
Demo to showcase how to deploy to Firebase, statically generated sites by Gatsby using Contentful

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A starter template to build amazing static websites with Gatsby, Contentful, Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Run and Firebase hosting. Based on gatsby-starter-gcn.


All the features offered by the gatsby-starter-gcn:

  • Contentful integration with ready to go placeholder content
  • Minimal responsive design - made to customize or tear apart
  • Pagination logic
  • Styled components
  • SEO Friendly Component
    • JSON-LD Schema
    • OpenGraph sharing support
    • Sitemap Generation
  • Google Analytics
  • Progressive Web app
  • Offline Support
  • RSS Feed
  • Gatsby Standard module for linting Javascript with StandardJS
  • Stylelint support for Styled Components to lint the CSS in JS

Plus Google Cloud integrations:

  • Build with Google Cloud Build
  • On demand preview development server with Google Cloud Run
  • Deployment to Firebase hosting



Getting Started


git clone https://github.com/dcifuen/gatsby-contentful-firebase-demo.git

Setup Contentful

  1. Sign up for Contentful and create a new empty space

  2. yarn setup

  3. Enter in the requested info for your Contentful space found here: app.contentful.comSpace SettingsAPI keys. You will need to provide both a standard API key (first tab) and a management key (second tab).

Environment Variables


Setup Tools

Before moving on, make sure you have installed and configured your Docker, GCloud and Firebase CLIs with the new project.

gcloud init
firebase login
gcloud auth configure-docker


Website Data

Edit /src/utils/siteConfig.js

Note: If you do not see your changes reflected when developing locally you may need to delete the .cache folder and restart the development server.


Edit /src/styles/theme.js

Using Gatsby Standard

  1. Quickly check your code for errors with the yarn test script
  2. You can view the Gatsby Standard README for details on how to integrate this project's included Gatsby Standard, Stylelint, and Prettier modules into your text editor

Content and SEO

  1. You can replace the share.jpg and logo-512 files in the static/logos directory. After replacing these files ensure that you edit the image size dimensions specified in /src/utils/siteConfig.js
  2. Meta descriptions are defined in Contentful. If you choose to leave this field blank on new posts a 320 character excerpt of the post/page will be used.
  3. IMPORTANT: Be sure to manually enter at least one meta description on a page and post in Contentful or the site will fail to build.

Preview Locally

yarn develop

Or build the Docker container and run it:

docker build . --tag gcr.io/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/gatsby-develop
PORT=8080 && docker run -p 8080:${PORT} -e PORT=${PORT} -e ACCESS_TOKEN=${PREVIEW_TOKEN} -e "CONTENTFUL_HOST=${CONTENTFUL_HOST}" -e "ENABLE_GATSBY_REFRESH_ENDPOINT=true" gcr.io/gatsby-contentful-firebase/gatsby-develop

Open your browser on http://localhost:8080


  1. Create a new Google Cloud project in the console and enable billing. Create a Firebase project for the same project ID in the console.
  2. Replace gatsby-contentful-firebase with your project ID in .firebaserc

Google Cloud Build Trigger From Git

  1. Create a new trigger for Cloud Build https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/triggers/add
  2. Connect with GitHub and select your repo
  3. In Build configuration → select Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json) → in Cloud Build configuration file location type cloudbuild.yaml

Note: At anytime after the trigger is created, you can navigate to Triggers and Click Run trigger to manually trigger a build/deploy to confirm the website is building successfully using your build environment variables. At this point be aware that every time you push to master a deploy will automatically start and be published to production.

Build Firebase CLI Docker Image

In order to use the firebase CLI in the build steps inside Cloud Build you first need to build the Docker image in your own project, the image is available in the Google Cloud Build community repo.

git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community
cd cloud-builders-community/firebase
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .


Based on the instructions for the Firebase cloud builder repo: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community/tree/master/firebase

  1. Create a cloudbuilder keyring
gcloud kms keyrings create cloudbuilder --location global
  1. Create KMS keys for Firebase, Contentful Space ID and Content Delivery API
gcloud kms keys create firebase-token --location global --keyring cloudbuilder --purpose encryption
gcloud kms keys create contentful-space-id --location global --keyring cloudbuilder --purpose encryption
gcloud kms keys create contentful-access-token --location global --keyring cloudbuilder --purpose encryption
gcloud kms keys create contentful-preview-token --location global --keyring cloudbuilder --purpose encryption
  1. Generate Firebase CI key
firebase login:ci
  1. Add the following environment variables locally using the previously generated Firebase key, Contentful Space ID and Content Delivery API - access token from Contentful. The variables must be named exactly like this in order to work properly.
  1. Encrypt the tokens
echo -n $FIREBASE_TOKEN | gcloud kms encrypt \
  --plaintext-file=- \
  --ciphertext-file=- \
  --location=global \
  --keyring=cloudbuilder \
  --key=firebase-token | base64
echo -n $SPACE_ID | gcloud kms encrypt \
  --plaintext-file=- \
  --ciphertext-file=- \
  --location=global \
  --keyring=cloudbuilder \
  --key=contentful-space-id | base64  
echo -n $ACCESS_TOKEN | gcloud kms encrypt \
  --plaintext-file=- \
  --ciphertext-file=- \
  --location=global \
  --keyring=cloudbuilder \
  --key=contentful-access-token | base64
echo -n $PREVIEW_TOKEN | gcloud kms encrypt \
  --plaintext-file=- \
  --ciphertext-file=- \
  --location=global \
  --keyring=cloudbuilder \
  --key=contentful-preview-token | base64
  1. Copy the encrypted keys (output from previous commands) within the cloudbuilder.yaml configuration file:
- kmsKeyName: 'projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/locations/global/keyRings/cloudbuilder/cryptoKeys/firebase-token'
- kmsKeyName: 'projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/locations/global/keyRings/cloudbuilder/cryptoKeys/contentful-access-token'
- kmsKeyName: 'projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/locations/global/keyRings/cloudbuilder/cryptoKeys/contentful-space-id'

and cloudbuild.cloudrun.yaml configuration file:

- kmsKeyName: 'projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/locations/global/keyRings/cloudbuilder/cryptoKeys/contentful-preview-token'
  1. Test both configuration files by submitting a build manually:
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.cloudrun.yaml . --project="<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>"
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.firebase.yaml . --project="<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>"

Additional Settings

Contentful Webhook (Optional)

  1. Clone google-cloud-build-trigger and deploy it in your project. Make sure to update the cloudbuild.trigger_id config parameter.

  2. Navigate to Firebase Functions: DevelopFunctions → Copy the URL in the Trigger field.

  3. Navigate to Contentful: app.contentful.comSpace SettingsWebhooks. Create a webhook using the Google Cloud webhook template, paste in HTTP trigger URL the function URL that you just created

  4. Configure which events should trigger the build on production in Webhooks settingsTriggers. For example the following will rebuild the production website every time a post or page is published, unpublished or deleted:

Useful Tips

  • If you make edits to your Contentful space while running gatsby develop you will need to stop it and rerun the command to see the changes reflected. For example a new post or page will not automatically show up until the website has been rebuilt.
  • The template assumes you have at least one page, one post and one tag in Contentful. If you do not the website will fail to build.
  • The SEO component assumes you have entered at least one meta description in Contentful for a post and one for a page. If you do not the website will fail to build. See the Content and SEO section above.
  • DO NOT store your Firebase and Contentful access tokens or space ids anywhere in GitHub. Treat them like passwords.
  • Yarn Users: remove the yarn* line from the .gitignore file to avoid discrepancies in the Netlify deploy.